Monday, September 7, 2009

Inner objects

Inner objects are mental images that we contact in our mind's eye to propel our thinking during the course of an opera.

These inner objects are not to be confused with the external objects that we can actually see and make contact with in our environs.

They can be used very effectively when listening to others in the opera and also to give a story about the past an authentic reality. These are problems that occur in EVERY opera. Think about every time you are onstage listening to another character tell a story or relate an event, almost EVERY opera contains a character who tells a story about something that happened in the past. One vivid example of this includes Donna Anna's recitative prior to "Or sai chi l'onore". It is a rich depiction of her near rape by Don Giovanni, and is an expressive treasure trove of inner object work.

In the creation of these inner objects, it must be strongly stressed that you do not demand any particular order or scripting of these objects. You must allow them to be fresh and be given free rein while you are staying connected to the particulars of the events of the opera.

The more inner objects that you have, the more creative food you will have for involving, acting thoughts. These objects will help you channel your attention on your character's life and give intense meaning to your ACTIONS -

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